This document is a guide on how to integrate Merchant Payment with Rest API.
The API is a restful web service, which accept form data as input. All methods are implemented as
Before anything to do the user (who is paying to the merchant) must be logged in to get the authorization token.
Method Type: POST
BODY PARAMETER (form-data)
Parameter | Description | Status | Type | Sample |
Must be email | Required | String | | |
password | User Password | Required | String | 123456 |
Login Successful
Login Error
{"response":{"status":401,"message":"Invalid email & credentials"}}
N.B: You have to use this genereted TOKEN on all other steps as Authorization-token in the header section.
Credentials do not match, user suspended.
Method: POST
Description: Go to merchant account, Click gear icon of
approved express merchant.
From the modal copy Client id, Client Secret. This method is used to
generate an access token.
N.B: If the merchant is approved by the admin, only then the gear icon will be available for that merchant. Authorization-token must be sent as header.
BODY PARAMETER (form-data)
{" client_id":" yMKqAvC2dILUyhwdIbryh4rsl784kF"," client_secret":"
{“ Authorization-token”:”
Parameter | Description | Status | Type | Sample |
client_id | Merchant Client ID | Required | String | yMKqAvC2dILUyhwdIbryh4rsl784kF |
client_secret | Merchant Secret | Required | String | ZubitDCg2QyxuoSu0l6pJkNB5lOrcl1Ivy0qZlhlu8QhWHDYOelkVSNC8B0ybunOb... |
Authorization-token | Must be given in header, token that is generated after login response for user. | Required | String | eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiIzIiwianRpIjoiNTFiMTU5N2EyY... |
Merchant exists:
{"success":{"response":{"status":"success","message":"Client Verified","data":{"access_token":"PIdb49a6imxSecjkr2tn21YSPn"}},"status":200}}
Merchant does not exist
{"success":{"status":407,"message":"Can not verify the client. Please check client Id and Client
N.B: You have to use this genereted access_token on next step as AUTHORIZATION
The client_id or client_secret is invalid.
Method: POST
Description: We use this endpoint to store the payment information. Get the access token which is generated by verifying merchant in previous step. Use “Authorization-token” and “Authorization” as headers. “Authorization-token” is generated from
N.B: You will need to set the Authorization: Bearer followed by the token value. Add successUrl and cancelUrl as you need. For currency code use ISO format.
BODY PARAMETER (form-data):
{"payer":"David Luca","amount":"10","currency":"USD","email":"","successUrl":"","cancelUrl":""
{" Authorization-token ":"eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImp0aSI6Ijg0OGU2NjhhZDdjMWRmYzhjODA1NGE0NjY5ZTM0OGYyND..."," Authorization ":"Bearer 5UTduND48M4qrbSJ9i3CVuQ2cE "}
Parameter | Description | Status | Type | Sample |
payer | Who will receive the payment | Required | String | David Luca |
amount | The amount User have to pay. | Required | Double | 10 |
currency | The payment occur on which currency, it should be ISO code. | Required | String | USD |
Email of the user who is making the payment | Optional | | ||
successUrl | Application dashboard url | Required | String | |
cancelUrl | Application root url | Required | String | |
Authorization-token | Must be given in header, token that is generated after login response for user. | Required | String | eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiIzIiwianRp... |
Authorization | Must be given in header, collect it from merchant verify | Required | String | Bearer PIdb49a6imxSecjkr2tn21YSPn |
Invalid Currency
{"success":{"status":"error","message":"Currency GBP is not supported by this
Amount Zero
{"success":{"status":"error","message":"Amount cannot be 0 or less than 0.","data":[]}}
Merchant Currency doesn’t exist, no successUrl & no cancelUrl, amount zero, Authorization token mismatch.
N.B: After performing the above step, you will get grant_id and token. These value will be needed for the next step.
Method: POST
Description: In this endpoint payment will success, Checks all kinds of input validation and redirected to payment page (if user not logged in then user have to login) if all validation passed. User have to decide to cancel or accept the payment. User grant_id & token as body parameter which is generated in previous step.
BODY PARAMETER (form-data)
{"grant_id":"55890128","token":" OfCErZrxuiDqxTjscQon "}
{“ Authorization-token”:”
Parameter | Description | Status | Type | Sample |
grant_id | Get from endpoint-2 | Required | Double | 78509912 |
token | Get from endpoint-2 | Required | String | VPJSyzRvTgzWGll3xjTI |
Authorization-token | Must be given in header, token that is generate after login response for user. | Required | String | eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImp0aSI6Ijg0OGU2NjhhZD... |
Payment Success:
"success": {
"status": 200,
"message": "Success",
"successUrl": ""
Merchant & User same:
{"success":{"status":801,"message":"Merchant cannot make payment to himself!"}}
Grant Id or Token Mismatch :
{"success":{"status":401,"message":"Grant Id or Token does not Match!"}}
Insufficient Balance :
{"success":{"status":401,"message":"User doesn't have sufficient balance!"}}
Method: POST
Description: To cancel the payment this url is used. To cancel a payment, after endpoint #2 make a request to endpoint #4. Provide “Authorization-token” from and token from endpoint #2.
BODY PARAMETER (form-data)
{"grant_id":"78509912","token":" VPJSyzRvTgzWGll3xjTI "}
{“ Authorization-token”:”
Parameter | Description | Status | Type | Sample |
grant_id | Get from endpoint-2 | Required | Double | 78509912 |
token | Get from endpoint-2 | Required | String | VPJSyzRvTgzWGll3xjTI |
Authorization-token | Must be given in header, token that is generated after login response for user. | Required | String | eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiIzIiwianRpIjoiNTFiMTU5N2Ey... |
Payment Success:
"success": {
"status": 200,
"message": "Payment cancelled successfully",
"cancelUrl": ""